Because she does her art class and she teaches us how to like do lines and she walks around and helps if you need help.
Because she does her art class and she teaches us how to like do lines and she walks around and helps if you need help.
Our daughter has had a wonderful year with ms.denney. She is very involved with the kids. She is very... read more
Ginger is the kind of teacher that goes unnoticed in my opinion. She has taught special education for... read more
I would like to nominate my daughter, Rebecca Moore. I have noticed her love for children since she... read more
Mrs. Young is such a blessing! She was our oldest son’s pre k teacher and is now our youngest... read more
Brigit taught both of my children (inside and outside of the classroom). I have sent her text messages... read more
Mrs. Buerger is our only first grade teacher for a class that has grown to 25 kids. She goes... read more
I am nominating my mom because she truly deserves this award. With the low income of teachers, she does... read more
Ms. Dennis is such a loving person. She truly cares about the wellbeing of each child and wants them... read more
Mrs Fieldhouse cares about her students. I know that’s why teachers teach but hers is on a deeper humankind... read more
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