Miss Farrar is the best and the nicest.
Mr. Swatzell puts his heart and soul into every aspect of his job. He does everything he can to... read more
He gets the students excited to learn and my son loves his class and does really well. read more
Shawn Duthie is the epitome of teaching excellence. The fruit of his care, concern, and compassion for students —... read more
Teddie Mitchell is extremely dedicated to teaching her students how to read. She spends countless hours creating fun, engaging... read more
Mrs.Ingram taught me in high school. She has watched me grow from Junior High to High School. She has... read more
When thinking of Kim the things that come to mind is a woman who teaches whole heartedly to every... read more
I think we can all look back and remember that one teacher who we can truly say made a... read more
Because she makes a good relationship with all the kids and if I need help on something she will... read more
Mary Hanson goes above and beyond to meet the needs of our students. She is constantly learning new... read more
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