Becca goes above and beyond for her students.
Mrs. Naef is the epitome of love and caring for her students. She makes everything personal to their wants... read more
Mr. Waggoner cares about his students. He works hard in furthering their education in mathematics. Even when they struggle,... read more
Mrs. Shilling has worked hard to be the best teacher she can be. She teaches 3rd grade which... read more
He loves and cares about his students so much. He does whatever he can to ensure that they are... read more
Mrs. Rogers is an excellent teacher who goes above and beyond for her students past and present. She spends... read more
She is very patient, kind, loving and goes above and beyond! She makes sure all her students know how... read more
My teacher Amanda Matthews deserves this award .I know many kids from other schools will say “oh my teacher... read more
Mrs. Kowena came into our lives 2 years ago. My daughter struggles to read and make friends. We didn’t... read more
Her students love her and learn from Becca Moore. She gives the student all the extra help they need.... read more
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