In my opinion I think my teacher nominee deserves to win the teacher appreciation award because she is very friendly with everyone and always helping everyone else run some errands in her free time.
In my opinion I think my teacher nominee deserves to win the teacher appreciation award because she is very friendly with everyone and always helping everyone else run some errands in her free time.
Gentry is an awesome teacher that goes above and beyond for her students each and every day. Tutoring... read more
Because she makes a good relationship with all the kids and if I need help on something she will... read more
First of all, he makes the class fun! He likes talking to his students even out of the classroom... read more
Mrs. Morris is a leader in our building here at Rivers Elementary. She helps many new teacher find... read more
Exceptional educator who has been nominated by her peers for Teacher of the Year. Caring yet exacting, she motivates... read more
Mrs. Derryberry makes everyday fun and exciting for her student. My daughter has special needs and she tailors her... read more
See really loves working with her students. She makes her class like a adventure with different activities. She has... read more
My teacher Amanda Matthews deserves this award .I know many kids from other schools will say “oh my teacher... read more
Works well with students and parents in all science classes. All students do well all TAKS and in physics... read more
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