Teddie is a dedicated teacher that works to help her students learn and excel in their daily studies.
Teddie is a dedicated teacher that works to help her students learn and excel in their daily studies.
This teacher goes above and beyond to love and support her students. She not only supports them in the... read more
My daughter has came such a long way bc of Ms.Moore. My daughter Emery was crying everyday at nap... read more
Hello, I am nominating Coach Neeb because I have heard from several parents, myself included how their girls come... read more
My teacher nominee, Señora Ramirez-Sanchez, is among the most charismatic, relatable, and shamefully under appreciated teachers that I have... read more
Ashley is an excellent teacher. She strives to help her students fully understand what is being taught. She goes... read more
Ms Williams is fantastic. She makes learning fun and interesting. She started a Facebook group... read more
my child asks if she can go to school on Saturdays and sundays to see her teacher!!! To me... read more
Mrs. Turner is one of the hardest workers I know. She is always working and that is why I... read more
Ms. Hall is a great teacher who puts her whole heart into her teaching and treats all her students,... read more
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