She’s hardworking, just graduated with her masters, & I am so grateful she’s my best friend!
She’s hardworking, just graduated with her masters, & I am so grateful she’s my best friend!
Shawn Duthie is the epitome of teaching excellence. The fruit of his care, concern, and compassion for students —... read more
If anyone deserves to win a car is Joannie Cook she has to walk to work every single day... read more
Megan deserves to win the Teacher Appreciation Award because of the the road she took to become a teacher.... read more
He loves and cares about his students so much. He does whatever he can to ensure that they are... read more
This teacher is always giving 110% of her time. She will stay after to make sure the class is... read more
Mrs.Ingram taught me in high school. She has watched me grow from Junior High to High School. She has... read more
Shes very caring. Helps students out as much as possible. Her caring nature doesnt stop when the child... read more
she is nice she helps you she,ll pull in to win to help she does,nt yell at you she... read more
She is always so thoughtful towards her students. My daughter comes home everyday excited to tell me what she... read more
Mr. Swatzell puts his heart and soul into every aspect of his job. He does everything he can to... read more
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